Delightful Delights: Unwrap the Moonlit Magic of ILLUME TAIPEI’s Mooncake Gift Box

Celebrate the magic of Mid-Autumn Festival with ILLUME TAIPEI's exquisite mooncake gift box! Filled with delectable flavors and handcrafted with the finest ingredients, it's a gift that embodies the warmth and joy of the season.
illume taipei 2024 mooncake
콘텐츠 탐색

Immerse yourself in the luminous spirit of Mid-Autumn Festival with ILLUME TAIPEI’s Mooncake Gift Box. This artisanal collection is a symphony of flavors, textures, and cultural heritage, designed to tantalize your taste buds and impress your loved ones.

Gift Box Details

  • Price: NT$1,280/box ( 7 pcs )
  • Best enjoyed within: 7 days at room temperature, 14 days refrigerated

Mooncake Delights

  • Handmade Egg Yolk Mooncakes:

    • Speckled Red Bean & Salted Egg Yolk Mooncake, 2 pcs: A delightful harmony of sweet and savory flavors.
    • Date Walnut Mooncake, 2pcs: Rich and decadent date paste paired with crunchy walnuts for a satisfying textural contrast.


  • Classic Cantonese Mooncakes:

    • Pineapple & Red Bean Mooncake, 1 pc: Tangy-sweet pineapple filling balanced by the smooth texture of red bean paste.
    • Tieguanyin & Logan Mooncake, 1 pc: Aromatic Tieguanyin tea essence meets the chewy sweetness of dried logan for a unique and flavorful experience.
    • Longan & Red Date Mooncake, 1 pc: A healthy and delicious treat bursting with the sweetness of longan and red dates.

Ordering Information

  1. Order Date: Now until September 15th, 2024 (Daily, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM)
  2. Order Location: 1F Sunny Buffet
  3. Order Method: Fill out an order form
  4. Order Hotline: 02-2719-8399 #3310 Sunny Buffet
  5. Fax Order: 02-2545-6691

Promotional Offers

  1. Early Bird Discount: Get 10% off when you pre-order before August 31st, 2024.
  2. Bulk Order Discounts: Enjoy 10% off for orders between 20-49 boxes, and 20% off for orders of 50 boxes or more (Discounts cannot be combined).

이용 약관

  1. Pick-Up Date: September 1st, 2024 – September 17th, 2024 (Daily, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM)
  2. Pick-Up Location: ILLUME TAIPEI (1F Sunny Buffet), 100 Dunhua North Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City
  3. Pick-Up Method: Self-collect at room temperature. If you have special requests (e.g., paid delivery), please mention them during ordering.
  4. Large Orders (20+ boxes): Pre-order at least 5 days before pick-up.
  5. Order modifications and last-minute pick-up are not accepted within 3 days of pick-up date.
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1박에 NT$6,999부터

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2024년 1월 7일 23시 59분부터 2024년 1월 8일 06시 30분까지 전력 장비에 대한 중요한 유지 보수 작업이 진행될 예정이며, 이로 인해 객실의 전력 공급이 일시적으로 중단될 수 있습니다. 안심하세요. 비상 장비는 계속 작동됩니다.
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