SUNRIDER HOTEL TAIWAN LTD. Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures, Complaint and Investigation Guidelines

Updated 11 July, 2024

1. Purpose:

To prevent sexual harassment, establish complaint channels for sexual harassment incidents, and effectively protect the rights and interests of the parties involved, SUNRIDER HOTEL TAIWAN LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the Unit”) has formulated these guidelines in accordance with the “Sexual Harassment Prevention Act,” “Implementation Rules of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act,” and “Sexual Harassment Prevention Guidelines.”

2. Definition of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment as referred to in these guidelines means behavior related to sex or gender that violates another person’s will, other than sexual assault crimes, and falls into one of the following categories:

  1. Explicit or implicit, discriminatory, or insulting words or actions, or other means that damage another person’s dignity or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, or unduly affect their work, education, training, services, plans, activities, or normal life.
  2. Using another person’s submission or rejection of such behavior as a condition for oneself or others to obtain, lose, or impair their learning, work, training, services, plans, activities, or related rights and interests.

Sexual harassment by authority refers to harassment of those supervised, cared for, or guided by oneself due to education, training, medical treatment, public affairs, business, job-seeking, or other similar relationships, using authority or opportunity.

Matters related to the handling and prevention of sexual harassment in specific locations and involving specific relationships as defined by the Gender Equity Education Act and the Act of Gender Equality in Employment are governed by the provisions of those laws.

3. Types of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to the following behaviors:

  1. Words or actions that are humiliating, degrading, hostile, or harassing.
  2. Stalking, observing, or unwelcome pursuit.
  3. Peeping or secretly photographing.
  4. Exposing private body parts.
  5. Displaying, transmitting, or circulating obscene texts, sounds, pictures, photos, or videos via telephone, fax, electronic communication, the internet, or other devices.
  6. Kissing, hugging, or touching the buttocks, chest, or other private body parts without consent.
  7. Other behaviors similar to the above six items.

4. Preventive and Corrective Measures:

The Unit shall take appropriate preventive, corrective, punitive, and other measures to prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment and to protect the privacy of the parties involved.

5. Public Space Management:

To effectively prevent and actively handle sexual harassment incidents in public and publicly accessible spaces, the Unit shall:

  1. Regularly review the spaces and facilities to prevent sexual harassment.
  2. If sexual harassment occurs in these spaces, take the following effective corrective and remedial measures:
    1. Ensure the victim’s safety. Respect the victim’s wishes and minimize interaction with the perpetrator to prevent further harassment. Avoid retaliation.
    2. Protect the privacy of the victim.
    3. Assist the victim in filing complaints and preserving relevant evidence.
    4. Notify the police if necessary.
    5. Review the safety of the space.
    6. Take other necessary actions.
  3. If informed of the incident after it occurs, still take effective corrective and remedial measures and review the safety of the space.

6. Filing a Complaint:

Victims may file a sexual harassment complaint based on the identity of the perpetrator:

  1. If the perpetrator belongs to a government agency, military unit, or school, file a complaint with that unit.
  2. If the perpetrator is a head of a government agency, military unit, school principal, highest official of an organization, or employer, file a complaint with the competent authority of the location of the unit or employer.
  3. If the perpetrator is unknown or does not fall into the above categories, file a complaint with the police at the location where the incident occurred.

7. Education and Training:

The Unit shall regularly organize or encourage personnel to participate in sexual harassment prevention education and training, including:

  1. For employees:
    1. Gender equality awareness.
    2. Basic concepts, laws, and prevention of sexual harassment.
    3. Complaint procedures and methods.
    4. Other education related to sexual harassment prevention.
  2. For personnel handling sexual harassment incidents or those with management responsibilities:
    1. Understanding and handling incidents in accordance with the Gender Equity Education Act, the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, and related laws.
    2. Recognizing and identifying power differences.
    3. Effective corrective and remedial measures.
    4. Assistance and protection of victim rights.
    5. Other education related to sexual harassment prevention.
  3. Participants shall be granted official leave and subsidized expenses for the training.

8. Protection Against Retaliation:

The Unit shall not treat anyone who files a complaint, testifies, assists, or participates in the complaint, investigation, prosecution, or trial of a sexual harassment incident unfairly.

Unfair treatment includes dismissal, demotion, salary reduction, or damage to legal rights and interests.

9. Confidentiality:

The Unit and any person involved shall keep the identity of the victim confidential unless otherwise required by law and shall not disclose it via media or other means.

This includes the victim’s name, photos, images, voice, address, relatives’ names or relationships, school, class, workplace, and other information that can directly or indirectly identify the victim.

10. Employer Responsibility:

If an employee or person in charge sexually harasses another person by taking advantage of their position, the Unit shall provide appropriate assistance to restore the victim’s reputation as required by law.

11. Complaint Channels:

Special Unit Name/Contact Person/Title: Front Office Department / Duty Manager
– Telephone: 02-27197199 #3112
– Fax: 02-25456357
– Email:

The Unit shall take immediate corrective and remedial measures and assist the victim in filing a complaint upon learning of a sexual harassment incident. The Unit will appoint a dedicated person to handle the complaint after it is received.

12. Application to Sexual Assault Crimes:

These guidelines also apply to crimes defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act.

13. Implementation and Amendment:

These guidelines shall be implemented after being approved and announced by the labor-management meeting and the same shall apply to amendments.




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